Sign Dance Europe
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Sign Dance Europe with Transmitter Performance Collaboration

Schedule -2025 Production
Spring Summer 2026 Part 2 ProductionTour
Stream Walkers Participation and Collaboration with Ana Monro Theatre Premiere in Ljubljana November 2024.
Schedule -
Further Development and Performances 2025 onwards
Visit www.anamonro.si

Notizen Story Board by
David Bower

The Outdoor Music Signdance Theatre Work” Notizen “ is a new collaboration based on three strangers meeting in the middle of a city and finding friendship against all odds.
The performance takes place in open courtyards, the street, gardens and playgrounds .
It is summer, and rainbows form with concurrent rain.
Three friends share exploring life in their cities.
These strangers from very different worlds speaking different languages, share common experiences.
They eat ice cream, fall in and out of love, and feel a certain amount of curious unease about the news of the World, although they have never met.
Created using a visual storyboard by David Bower and directed by Slovene artist, Samo Oleami , the multilingual inclusive interactive outdoor performance NOTIZEN speaks about the longing for communication, and how we, although yearning for understanding, often fail to do so. The performance takes a new look at Vaudeville, instilling it with hints of Dada and Futurism as well as contemporary songs, improvisation and signdance.
Stream Walkers
Today’s society is no longer far from the show's main character, who wears virtual reality glasses on the street and watches the world through an AI screen. People on their way through town staring at their phones,…We have become Web Walkers. The show through the character of a person immersed in the screen beautifully shows the development of artificial intelligence and our fascination with it.

SIGN DANCE Europe Directors
at SUGLA Plus Ana Monro

Sign Dance Producer-
Alda Sovitti Borcilo-Lumeos

Click Here -The Art Of Silence Manual

Within the “PLACE yourSELF INto public SPACE 4” project, we wanted to wake up young people from passively consuming individuals into active, cooperating and creative citizens of local and broader society and equip them with crucial new knowledge and competencies that will enable their creative, sovereign and articulated expression in their everyday life when looking for a job, within their studies and other education. They got an opportunity to be creatively active in the public spaces of bigger cities (Ljubljana and Beograd) as well as in the public spaces of smaller towns (Pakoštane) as well as in a big top tent (in a circus village). To explore skills of interactive street theatre, circus, performative vocalisation and signdance
theatre, as well as how these different disciplines influence each other and how fused,
they build a new discipline of art. In each of the two youth exchanges, a final performance was prepared and performed in a public space and a circus tent. To prepare the presentations or shows, the young had their hands free, with mentors guiding them along the process, allowing them to build their self-incisiveness, cooperation, and co-creation skills. An essential emphasis of the project was also getting to know the challenges and abilities of
Deaf people, as well as the similarities and differences in culture, rites, language
and life realities between the three participating countries of the Balkans region (Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia) and, as a result, recognise and diminish prejudices and stereotypes. To ensure immersion into all three cultural contexts, we chose to organise three youth exchanges within this one project – one in Ljubljana (Slovenia), one in Pakoštane (Croatia) and one in Belgrade (Serbia) – and to invite the same participants to all three of them. Indeed, many participated in all three exchanges. Due to all three partner organisations being from the region of Southeastern Europe with similar languages, we have encouraged our participants to communicate in the languages of their countries rather than in English.
Ana Monro Cirkus Fera Sign Dance Collective

Pan-European Programs in Progress
Summer 2025-Spring 2028
Current Programs All TBA
Story Tree
Pan-European Project.
Three New Community Productions One International Production, The Interactive Tree, directed by
Goro Osojnik www.anamonro.si & 3D Friends Latvia
with Barbara Bulatovic Isolte Avila and David Bower
Music Angelina Schwammerlin Film Rob CorcoranVisuals Viviana Molinares.
Production Partner-
Lumeos in Collaboration with 3D Friends Latvia